Monday 3 June 2013

hot plum heaven!

I have just invented a small bowl of heaven. It's probably not low GI but probably could be with the addition of an oaty crumble topping. 

5 plums, quartered and de-stoned
100ml red wine (I used old wine)
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
2 star anise
1 tbsp agave nectar
1/2 tsp vanilla paste

Put it all in a pan on the stove and simmer gently, with a lid on, for an hour, stirring occasionally. 

I ate the hot plums with cold, creamy natural yoghurt and it was d-i-v-i-n-e! I would share a photo but I ate it all before I thought about my camera. 

Next time - and there will definitely be a next time! -  will put oats on top, mixed with flaked almonds or whole toasted almonds (both of which I seem to be addicted to and which is okay because they are really good for you) to lower the Glycemix Index rating. 

happy poaching :)